Leaders Don’t Badger People

When I was a teacher, I learned certain responses annoyed students when they asked clarifying questions: “If you were paying attention, you’d know.” “As I said twelve minutes ago…” “I just told you that.” “It’s in the syllabus. Did you … Read More

The Five Levels of Communication

We talk a lot about communication on this blog, because communicating well is integral to the human experience. We cannot build or maintain relationships without good communication skills. The fallout of bad communication is all around us. Part of the … Read More

Embracing the Better Normal

“Normal” is such a relative term which encompasses a broad spectrum. Since the start of this pandemic, the phrase “new normal” has been used everywhere for just about every situation. The idea is that the pre-pandemic world was “normal,” and … Read More

Leaders Build Relationships by Avoiding Defensiveness

No one is immune to defensiveness. When we feel attacked, our first inclination is to self-protect. This comes in various forms—denial, deflection, excuses, projection. But defensiveness rarely works and ends up hurting our relationships. The third Horseman: Defensiveness Dr. John … Read More

Leaders Build Relationships by Avoiding Criticism

Building and maintaining positive relationships take work and intentionality. Needless to say, relationships are easier in the absence of strong emotion and conflict. But when conflict leads to strong emotions, we have a prime opportunity to build trust and strengthen … Read More

A Practical Tip for Leaders Building Relationships

I recently read an article by Scott Warrick containing a practical model for looking at trust development. It’s helpful, and I’m highlighting the coolest point. “Seek out points of disagreement with people, then make the disagreement safe.” I’ve written about … Read More

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