Leaders Never Let Up On Engagement

Engagement matters. Gallup quantified this issue by studying employee engagement for 40-plus years. Some of their recent findings include: 34% of employees report active engagement in their jobs. 50% of employees report a lack of engagement in their jobs. 16% … Read More

Leaders Know the World of Work is Changing (Part 3)

Like the many businesses right now, Group Dynamic is also changing. Yesterday, the current Group Dynamic staff met to talk about what the business will look like in 2022. Specifically, we discussed what we need to keep and what we … Read More

Leaders Know the World of Work is Changing (Part 2)

There is no shortage of information about how work is changing. Many sources support these two points: Employees have several options about where to work, and a lot aren’t happy where they are working now. Employers know these facts, and … Read More

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