Group Dynamic develops leaders who motivate and teams who love working together.

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The work itself is important, but it’s only as good as the people who do it. That’s why people are your most valuable asset — and that includes you. Lives are better and productivity is increased when people enjoy the work they do, the people they work with, and the culture they share. Alan Feirer of Group Dynamic provides highly engaging programs with practical application tools to achieve that environment.

What kind of training does your organization need?

In a session with Alan Feirer of Group Dynamic, your people will grow from the highly engaging illustrations, customized and actionable content, and ongoing accountability support.

Contact us today to discuss the training needs of your organization
and determine what’s needed next to achieve your goals.

Leadership in Action: Eight Virtues

by Alan Feirer

With Foreword by Lee Cockerell
Former Executive Vice President of Operations
at the Walt Disney World® Resort

Client Testimonial

“Alan Feirer has been instrumental over the last number of years in Kemin’s learning and development efforts. Every time a business unit or leader invests their time with Alan, they always come back to expand their development opportunities because Alan is that good! Alan is engaging, funny, and relatable. He has done a great job of understanding Kemin, its business and our leadership philosophies to deliver tailor made facilitation. As an HR professional I can truly say Alan has helped Kemin employees and leaders drive their development to improve not only themselves but the business outcomes at Kemin.”
Amanda Formaro, Vice President, HR — North America
Kemin Industries

Alan Feirer on Leadership in Action

Building Trust Through Language: Part 3


This is the last video in our series on building trust through language choice. In our first segment, we explored choosing your language. Then, in part two, we discussed leaning away from that... Read More

Building Trust Through Language: Part 2


This is part two of our discussion on building trust through language. Last week we talked about identifying our preferred languages and how they show up. This week, I want to encourage you... Read More