Leaders Take Courageous Action to Address Bias

There are three steps to understanding and addressing Unconscious Bias: Two weeks ago, we started an exercise on the first step, identifying bias. Last week, we focused on cultivating additional connection. Today we will dive into the final step. Step … Read More

Leaders Model Empathy and Curiosity (Unconscious Bias Series Part 2)

Last week we explored areas in which we’ve experienced or witnessed bias. For a refresher, click here. I asked you to do some homework over the course of the week, considering moments where bias impacted your confidence, decision-making, opportunity, health, … Read More

Practice Leadership While in Traffic

When presenting the Four Levels of Maturity as a way to adopt an others-focused mindset, I often joke that traffic is a great place to observe these levels in self and others. Maybe, though, it’s time to take it from … Read More