A couple years ago, I did a 4-post series on “Being Easy to Work With” which was based on DiSC styles.
It’s time for a simple reminder of a serious key to success for anyone – leaders, or direct reports.
Keep your standards high, but constantly seek to be easy to work with.
Be the person who people enjoy reporting to. Be the person who gets extra work, because your leader has faith in you. Be the person who gets positive talk behind your back.
How can you do this, while still being appropriately challenging and direct when needed?
Always look for ways to use your work to make the work of others go more smoothly.
Always stay open to communication from others, and respond promptly and appropriately.
Always be specific and ask for what you want, and apply deadlines to your work and others.
Be predictable 95% of the time. Eliminate guesswork. Relax.
Be the one. You’ll get more favor from those above you, more engagement from those who report to you, and more inner peace when you go home.
Thanks for reading,
Alan Feirer
Ashleigh’s Input – Alan shared his goal to be easy to work with early on in our work together, but more than that, it is something we both aspire to in our daily communications with clients. The more we try, the easier it is. We give each other a well-earned pat on the back each time we feel – or hear from pleased parties – that we’ve held to our standard, and our commitment to the goal only increases.
Jonathan Shaver
An analogy is the lesson I taught my teenage daughter. Be easy to drive with. Don’t put yourself in a position when you have to “floor it” to speed up too quickly and don’t put yourself in a position to have to slam on the brakes. If you drive along steadily, mindful and thoughtful of others, you will get where you are going just as quickly and more safely. Perhaps this can be applied to work as well.
Alan Feirer
Wonderful, Jonathan. Wonderful analogy. Thank you.