As a leader, you’ve probably figured out that your people appreciate at least some advice, tips, and suggestions on how to improve their work to come from external, credible sources. [That means not you.]
And, that’s not to say you’re a bad leader, or your team doesn’t trust you. (But just in case, check their trust-level with this training).
It’s helpful for any leader to reference, or bring in other credible sources for training purposes.
But, is this where your purpose is fulfilled?
If your mission is to “meet needs“, you’ve got more work to do. There’s another, equally important part of this process…
Following up on those ideas and suggestions to be sure your people understand, and actively use them.
It should go without saying, the absolute best way to make any training stick is to use and reference it often.
Use the 6 questions listed below to follow up with your team after a DiSC training session.
Has it been some time since your DiSC session? That’s OK – have your team freshen up on the concept, and their profiles, then follow up with these questions.
The communication to your team about this activity could be simple as, “At our meeting in a week, be prepared to share…”
- An interaction you observed that would have benefited from applying DiSC.
- Something you did that was recommended under the Three Strategies for Effectiveness. (Reference your DiSC Workplace Profile. On this page is: increasing your workplace effectiveness – key strategies that might help you work more effectively with the people in your workplace.)
- A time when you flexed your communication to match someone else’s style.
- A time when you probably should have used a suggestion from Page 16, but didn’t.
- A time when you witnessed someone else on this team/in this group flex their communication style to you, or someone else.
- An interaction you observed that appeared to involve the application of DiSC.
And, you don’t have to stop with just one follow up session. Try implementing a monthly DiSC “check-up” so people can continue to make observances.
The goal is to cycle through these questions, again and again, to make those observations more internalized, which is what we want.
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