We all need a starting point for discussions about vision, direction, prioritization, and hiring.
That’s precisely why leaders love rubrics.
Simple rubrics are easy to implement, and help make things clear.
Consider using a scale of 1 to 3, or 1 to 5, to keep it simple.
Example 1
You’re considering candidates for a position, and they’re all good.
Start by listing your values, or other traits you’re looking for, in one column on a spreadsheet.
Put the names of the candidates at the top. Then, rate them all on a scale of 1 to 5 for each value or desired trait.
You’ll quickly see who scores the highest, or the lowest, and can use that as a starting point.
Example 2
Your team is overwhelmed.
Due to this, you’ve experienced “task creep”, or perhaps you’ve taken on some exciting new projects.
Rate them all on a scale of 1 to 3.
List the tasks/projects on the top row. And, in the left column, list these criteria:
- Value to Staff/Employees (makes this a great place to work)
- Value to Customers (makes you the the provider of choice)
- Value to Owners/Shareholders (makes money)
Looking at your projects this way will help you prioritize where to put your efforts first.
And, if something reveals itself as not urgent, it’s a good time to delegate that task back to your team – but make sure they understand the task’s priority level.
Example 3
Feeling a lack of direction?
Every day, I apply a rubric to my to-do list.
I mark items with an “A” if they must be done today, “B” if they ought to be done this week, and “C” if they require attention, but aren’t that urgent.
Overwhelmed? Start with rubrics.
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