If there’s one skill that leaders must master and habitually improve, it’s communication.
If you read this blog, you’ll see that it’s a pretty popular area of concern.
So many dysfunctions, productivity concerns, drama, misunderstandings, and performance failures can be traced directly to communication mis-steps.
It’s tough to summarize this, but here’s an attempt:
Communication goes out, and it comes in.
To keep both channels flowing freely:
Communicate “out” with practiced skill — write well, speak clearly and specifically [and with solid presentation skills], and ensure that your body language is consistent with your message.
Communicate “in” with conscious deliberation — read carefully, listen actively [with verbal, physical, and visual affirmation], and be mindful of the tone, body language, and personality style of the speaker.
Great reads that can help your communication skills include Influencer, Crucial Conversations, and Secrets of Successful Speakers.
“The only way to lead when you don’t have control is to lead through the power of your relationships.” – Margaret Wheatley
Rate yourself – and/or ask others to rate you – on these:
- I listen well, with total focus on the speaker.
- I speak well, clearly, specifically, in a way that leaves no question what I meant and that shows total respect to the person listening.
- When helping or correcting someone, I address a person’s specific actions, not their attitude.
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