Does it go without saying that leaders must have integrity? If so, sorry. Just a couple of weeks ago, a manager was telling me about having to let a seemingly great hire go. Seeing my surprise, she looked me in the eye and said “He didn’t walk the talk.”
The folks at Iowa’s Character Counts use a great correlation — if having character in your personal life – moral character – can be called being your “best self,” then having character in the workplace – performance character – can be termed “best work.”
Consistency in decision-making and the way people are treated builds credibility and develops relationships. The constant practice of staying mature in the moment, and treating others with dignity, furthers those relationships.
Great reads on this topic include Credibility and Leadership and Self-Deception (if you and I are personally acquainted, I bet you know how passionate I am about that book).
“Leadership is serious meddling in other people’s lives” – Max DePree
Rate yourself – and/or ask others to rate you – on this:
I have high moral standards, and my actions are consistent with those values.
[next week – communication]
Lynae Steinhagen
Great perspectives, as always. LOVE “Leadership and Self-Deception”. I did a book club with a client and this was the first book they read. Powerful.
Hope all is well!
Alan Feirer
Thanks for the affirmation, Carl and Lynae!
Carl Rowles
Love the Leadership & Self-Deception!