Effective Feedback is About the Future

Any feedback on any behavior is most helpful to the individual and the organization if it is
1) Specific
2) Includes a call to future action

It can be as simple as “Good work, keep it up.” as opposed to simply “good work”.
It can be as thought out as “Nice thoroughness on that; if you always meet deadlines that well, we’ll really be successful.”

Things successful leaders avoid saying (part 3)

Consistent negative talk will create a negative culture. A constant drumbeat of “don’t forget” “don’t be late” “don’t screw that up” “don’t talk to me right now” can be pretty discouraging. If you can rephrase things using positive words, a better atmosphere is created. Better atmosphere = more encouraging = more productive.

Nervous about speaking in front of others?

posted in: Communication 0

When presenting, stand still. Too much walking around makes your audience nervous and projects fear and nervousness. Also, when you stand still, it’s easier to make eye contact. If you’re talking longer than five minutes, it makes sense to deliberately move to a different place. Then stand there, feet shoulder width apart, looking at your audience.

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