Alan says…

I’m not surprised to see that Communication is the number one request for personal development work – not because Kemin people are BAD at it, but because I have seen first hand how much people at Kemin VALUE solid communication.

Start Here: Tier One

Everything DiSC Workplace

Everything DiSC® is a simple work style assessment tool that gives you a robust understanding of your communication priorities and habits. Upon completing the assessment, you receive long-term support and virtual access to your results via the Catalyst platform. Catalyst provides easy navigation to personal DiSC styles and visual learning tools to coach pairs of co-workers on their working relationships. This is a popular assessment across all of  Kemin Industries and leaders appreciate the shared vocabulary.

Communication for Connection

Communication for Connection addresses the three common obstacles to effective communication: maturity in the moment, personality styles and trait differences, and the tendency to be vague and make attitude assumptions. You will learn to identify them and develop the skills needed to overcome them in yourself and others. This is a signature program – it’s the first of Alan’s programs that was delivered at Kemin, and many across the enterprise have experienced it.

If you’ve done both of the above and want more, move to:

Tier Two

Everything DiSC Management

(if you are in a leadership role)

Everything DiSC® Management is all about your strengths and challenges in communicating as a leader. You will learn how to adapt to meet the needs of the people you manage—making you a more effective manager when you:

  • Direct
  • Delegate
  • Motivate
  • Develop
  • Work with your leader

Pricing for the above programs:

Individual pricing varies based on the program.

When signing up a team, each program has a “base” fee plus a “per person” fee, and these vary based on length and curriculum.

Why work with Alan Feirer of Group Dynamic?

Alan Feirer has been instrumental over the last number of years in Kemin’s learning and development efforts. Every time a business unit or leader invests their time with Alan, they always come back to expand their development opportunities because Alan is that good! Alan is engaging, funny, and relatable. He has done a great job of understanding Kemin, its business and our leadership philosophies to deliver tailor made facilitation. As an HR professional I can truly say Alan has helped Kemin employees and leaders drive their development to improve not only themselves but the business outcomes at Kemin.

Amanda Formaro | Vice President, HR — North America | Kemin

Alan was a fantastic facilitator. He is one of those natural teachers that get people engaged and keep them focused. He makes the learning experience fun. I appreciate how he gets everyone involved and at ease with the process. I remember that after this training, the team here was constantly talking about what they had learned and I would often find people huddled around the handouts from the course discussing how they should work with people that they now understood view things differently. The class really lent itself to breaking the ice for my team.

Craig Bonatai | Plant Manager, Animal Nutrition & Health Division | Kemin