Alan Feirer has worked with hundreds of youth groups on servant leadership skill-building, communication abilities that lead to greater cooperation, strategic planning and priority-setting. Any of his workshops can be tied to state standards, strategic initiatives or professional development goals.
With each workshop, participants receive an interactive session with a seasoned, professional trainer, entertaining anecdotes based on the dynamics of the group, and a customized handout to reinforce the concepts learned. Group Dynamic Leadership Workshops are customized for you.
Leadership Workshops
Although each workshop is customized to the client, some combination of organizational development, leadership training, building right relationships, and team building will help you start your planning.
Time Commitments
Most workshops require a six to eight-hour program day. We need enough time together to make sure that there will be a measurable impact in the weeks and months that follow. Follow-up sessions can also be scheduled up front. These sessions reinforce concepts, evaluate progress and redirect concepts as needed.
The Big Difference: Ongoing Support
With each Group Dynamic workshop, you’ll receive a lifetime commitment to answering your questions. I will be just a phone call away to talk through any issues your group may have down the road.
Performance Group Clinics
As a former band director, rehearsing groups, diagnosing groups, and setting a course for mapping out the group’s potential are all possible. I work with band instructors, marching bands, jazz bands, concert bands, and musical groups across the country to help them achieve their goals.