The very best credentials are satisfied clients and transformed organizations.
Here is some of what others have had to say about their experience with Alan Feirer.
Kyle Engelhardt, Cedar Falls HS Band:
We’ve remarked over the past two weeks since you’ve gone that we felt like we had one of our best leadership workshops from you, and that the culture of the kids and the expectations in the band room are at an all time high.
Jim Miller, Cedar Rapids Washington HS Band:
Watching you work today I was reminded of perfection. Perfection not in the perfect sense, but more in the realm of watching someone immersed in their element doing exactly what God put them here to do.
Chris McCurdy, Percussion Instructor:
I appreciate and benefit from your presence and tolerance. It is refreshing to be around someone who looks for the good in everything not just the bad. I admire the amount of respect you show your students and the ministry of teaching our youth.
David Lang, Independence HS Band:
Mr. Feirer helped me understand that many of the things that were causing me stress were things that could be easily fixed by developing some student leadership and tweaking some of my personal organizational skills. He has changed the whole dynamic of my rehearsals by instilling in my students a sense of ownership in the progress and success of our band program. It is because of Alan’s passion for student leadership that we will continue to have him as a part of our “Independence Band Family.”
Eric Mohlis, Choir Director:
Alan used a nice mix of stories, humor, and activities to help students understand the concepts he was trying to teach. Students and directors felt comfortable discussing issues and putting their own personalities out there to be examined. After the leadership workshop, I can already see huge differences in how our students work and interact.
Dameon Place, Director of Bands:
I recommend Alan’s presentation for anyone seeking actionable, positive change within their ensemble! Prepare yourself for an exciting adventure with your students!
Wade Presley, Nevada HS Band Instructor:
I have not experienced a single event that has inspired me to start the school year in such a powerful way. Students are showing a different level of patience, leadership, compassion in their work in learning drill and rehearsals. What I did not expect, at least not at this level of awareness, was the influence your words have had on my own teaching.
Steve Shanley, Washington HS Band Director:
Hiring Alan Feirer each spring has been the most cost-effective way for me to provide high-quality leadership training for my students. He adapts his services to provide exactly what I need.
Colby Campbell, Student and Section Leader, Norwalk High School:
I have no doubt how much it will help our band this season or how much my leadership skills and those of my peers have improved. Thanks again, Alan. A life-changing day.
Michael ‘Arthur’ Torres, Band Camp Student:
you recently visited my school and i would like to let you know that it was a blast, it was funner than i think anyone expected. I couldn’t believe how easy that problem on the board was after you told us use the the one useful piece of information. All in all it was a very fun and exciting day. Oh and the way you tell your stories are hilarious and they kept my attention for that i thank you.
Joanne Tubbs, Des Moines Public Schools Performing Arts Coordinator:
Alan Feirer’s presentations for the Des Moines Public Schools Annual Professional Development Day were met with overwhelming attendance and impact. Out of over 150 sessions offered, Mr. Feirer’s evaluations were among the top 10 highest rated sessions.
Eric Stover, Waverly-Shellrock HS Band Director:
Your leadership training that you gave in August is the gift that keeps on giving. These kids were receptive then and continue to take initiative, and show leadership by example all year long.