A Proven Professional Development Program for TLC Leaders and Teams
As a former Iowa teacher with 19 years’ experience, including several teacher-leader roles, Alan Feirer is uniquely positioned as a professional trainer to provide the development your administrators and teacher-leaders need in order to effectively implement your TLC system.
Alan uses an effective and thoughtful combination of two concepts:
1) DiSC® assessments that explore communication and teamwork preferences, help to improve self-awareness, and provide tools for working with other personalities.
2) The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, which is based on the ground-breaking work of Patrick Lencioni.
Alan provides a full-day workshop program that is both challenging and well-received. The information is immediately usable and delivered in an effective, collegial way.
Feedback from Alan’s most recent TLC team development training:
My role as an instructional coach has been abundantly enhanced by the DiSC training. I’ve learned how my approach to situations differs from others, and how I can more efficiently interact with my colleagues. Alan’s animated, dashing pace kept all participants actively engaged and anxious to learn all that our time together could provide. A day doesn’t pass without someone discussing a profile! A very rewarding experience!
—Tamara Bane, instructional coach, state finalist, Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching
Our Teacher Leaders participated in a day of learning around their DiSC profiles. This learning opportunity not only helped them learn more about how they think and work but also provided valuable insight in how others approach relationships, work and problems of practice. This insight has proven to be essential as they learn to navigate their roles with colleagues and advance the goals of our district. WCSD Teacher Leaders have been exposed to multiple professional developments this year as they’ve worked to expand their repertoires. This is a fundamental training that is essential to any Teacher Leader or school district and is well worth the time and financial investment. By request, our future plans are to expand this training to employees beyond those in a teacher leadership role.
—Dr. Susie Meade, Superintendent, Winterset Community School District